SHIPPAGAN (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $400,000 in a new program to accelerate the development of the oyster aquaculture industry.

“This new program will assist in the development of a solid oyster aquaculture industry in our province to help rebuild our economy,” said Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud, who is also deputy premier.

Robichaud made the announcement today during the annual Fisheries and Aquaculture Day held at the New Brunswick Aquarium and Marine Centre as part of the New Brunswick Fisheries and Aquaculture Festival.

“Oyster aquaculture is experiencing steady growth in the province and has the potential to be an important contributor to the rural economy,” said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister  Michael Olscamp. “The new Oyster Aquaculture Enterprise Support Program fits in with the province's vision of commercial aquaculture development and offers real opportunities to establish a solid industry that can become a leader in the Maritime provinces.”
The program was established in response to challenges identified by the New Brunswick Shellfish Growers Association's in its strategic development plan. Despite steady growth in the industry, operating costs, particularly those associated with stock protection/control and labour, are major challenges to expansion. Oysters have a production cycle that last several years before growers can earn a return on their investment.
Under the program, eligible applicants will be able to receive a grant of up to $25,000 to support the increase of their main operating costs associated with the development and implementation of measures designed to allow for better control and increased protection of stock; and expansion of production activities.

The new program is intended to help expand the industry, contribute to the economic diversification of coastal regions, help with the implementation of standard operational procedures (SOPs), and stimulate long-term job creation.

Funding of $400,000 will be allocated to the initiative through the Regional Development Corporation. The Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries will administer the program.