FREDERICTON (GNB) – Wild blueberries and maple syrup from New Brunswick were on the menu at a special pancake breakfast for MLAs this morning. It was the sixth annual breakfast hosted by NB Blueberries and the New Brunswick Maple Syrup Association.

"Maple syrup and wild blueberries are two of New Brunswick's natural resources that are in high demand around the world in their natural state and as value-added products," said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp. "The provincial government has been investing in both of these growth sectors."

Blueberries and maple syrup have achieved record production levels during the past year, and they are considered key growth sectors in the economic plans of the provincial government.

Earlier this year, maple syrup producers surpassed their previous production record with more than five million pounds of syrup, an increase of more than one million pounds from last year. Wild blueberry producers have surpassed 40 million pounds during the past two years in a row.

Wild blueberries are unique to northeastern North America, and demand for them is growing around the world due to their health benefits. New Brunswick is the third-largest maple syrup producer in the world, after Quebec and Vermont.

"We are pleased to have this opportunity to promote our industry to the MLAs and to continue our close working relationship with the provincial government," said Brett Reidpath, chair of NB Blueberries.

The Department of Natural Resources formed a committee last year with the mandate to foster the growth of New Brunswick's maple syrup industry. Earlier this year, the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries released a five-year New Brunswick Wild Blueberry Sector Strategy to help producers keep pace with the growing worldwide demand for wild blueberries.