FREDERICTON (GNB) – A conference will be held Feb. 13 to bring strawberry growers up to date about strawberry viruses that have been found in other provinces.

"We have been taking a proactive approach to dealing with these viruses," said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp. "Our monitoring did not show signs of the virus or aphids during last summer's growing season. However, testing done last fall shows the virus has spread to New Brunswick. The good news is that we have caught it early, and it is not expected to have any impact on this year's crop."

The conference will discuss the test results done last fall in 40 fields on 16 farms; the development of an action plan; and what preventative actions growers can take.

Testing was done for the strawberry mottle virus and the strawberry mild yellow edge virus.  Both must be present before symptoms to develop as well a vector to spread the virus. Only two of the 40 fields tested positive for the viruses.