CHARLOTTETOWN (GNB) – Federal, provincial and territorial agriculture ministers wrapped up their annual meeting today with commitments to ongoing coordinated activity to boost the competitiveness of a sector that generates over $100 billion to Canada’s economy, representing close to seven per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and one in eight jobs.

Strong industry participation at the meeting underlined the importance of government-industry co-operation to ensure investments and priorities are aligned with the needs of the sector.

“It is essential that we recognize the economic development potential of the agriculture and agri-food sector,” said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet. “New Brunswick's farms and processors generate more than $570 million in farm cash receipts and more than $1 billion in processed agri-food products. Agriculture is an important economic driver for jobs and prosperity in New Brunswick, and I look forward to continuing the important work with farmers and producers to help them reach their potential.”

The ministers reaffirmed their support for developing new markets around the world for Canadian products, including through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, while continuing to preserve the integrity of the supply management system. Updates were provided on developments in Canada’s agricultural trade agenda which has resulted in trade agreements covering 38 countries and 44 per cent of the world’s agriculture and agri-food markets. Recent developments include agreements with the European Union, South Korea and Ukraine.

They also discussed the importance of efficient transportation systems in order for Canada to be a reliable supplier of agriculture and agri-food products to customers around the world. Noting potential taxation implications, the ministers underscored the importance of building markets in Canada and reducing interprovincial trade barriers, such as direct-to-consumer shipping of wine.

The agriculture ministers reaffirmed the importance of innovation, competitiveness and market development, which are areas of focus for Growing Forward 2, the $3 billion federal, provincial and territorial agricultural policy framework. They agreed to further discuss the implications of how these areas of focus could be applied to a broader range of food products, such as seafood. They also discussed the importance of continuing to review business risk management programs and to facilitate the development of new industry-led products available for producers to manage their business risks.

The ministers discussed the significant contributions of the food and beverage processing sector, recognizing it as a strategic industry in Canada, and renewed their support for co-ordinated action through the Food Processing Industry Development Forum.

Provincial and territorial ministers restated the importance of temporary foreign workers to the agri-food and seafood industries and discussed the implications of the changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. They encouraged the federal government to continue discussions to evaluate the program changes in order to meet labour requirements.

They discussed the fact that a healthy and sustainable agriculture sector depends both on bee health and on controlling pests. They agreed on the need for policies that are based on sound principles of science, which are internationally-recognized and respected.

The ministers agreed on the importance of continuing to work together with consumers and the agri-food sector on maintaining trust in Canada’s food system. They discussed social license and public confidence in the products and processes in agriculture and food, noting the extensive efforts throughout the supply chain to adhere to the highest standards of food safety and sustainable production practices. They reaffirmed their support for continued review and modernization of science-based regulations for food safety, animal health and welfare, and plant health, and emphasized the importance of an outcome-based framework. The ministers also stressed the importance of the quality of Canadian and imported products (reciprocity of standards) and the strict controls to which all foods are subject.

They discussed their growing concern about recent challenges with food and farm tampering, which is a criminal offense. Provisions under the Safe Food for Canadians Act will provide the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with explicit authority to take enforcement actions against persons who tamper with or threaten to tamper with food commodities.

The ministers acknowledged the adverse weather conditions faced by Canadian producers and committed to continue to work together to ensure existing programs deliver the needed support.