ST. STEPHEN (GNB) – About $1.1 million will be invested in Charlotte County road infrastructure under the Municipal Designated Highway Program as the provincial government continues to invest in infrastructure projects that spur economic growth and job creation.

“Investing in these important municipal projects will help create the conditions for economic growth and job creation in Charlotte County,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “A safe and efficient transportation system promotes quality of life, trade and travel, and economic activity in our province. Our government is proud to partner with the municipalities and invest in these projects.”

The projects include:

  • in McAdam – completing the 2015 contract on Route 4 from Rose Street to Quality Way;
  • in Saint Andrews – widening and paving the shoulder and making drainage improvements on Route 127 (Mowat Drive) from Bar Road to Crestwood Lane;
  • in St. George – installing a storm sewer on Route 172 from Caithness Road/Fundy Bay Drive to Salar Court; and
  • in St. Stephen – installing a storm sewer and completing curb and gutter work on Route 170 (Milltown Boulevard) from Hill Street to Church Street.

Under the Municipal Designated Highway Program, municipalities apply to the provincial government for funding assistance for capital upgrades. The provincial government is investing $25 million in funding for priority programs as part of this year’s program.