FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is issuing a request for proposals for the Centennial Building in Fredericton as it considers options for the future of the property.

“Our government has been discussing a number of possibilities for this property, and moving to a request for proposals will give us additional ideas to consider from the private sector,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Oliver. “We understand that the development of this property is important to downtown Fredericton, and we think it is in the best interest of New Brunswick taxpayers and the City to consider all options, including those that would not involve taxpayer dollars.”

The government announced last fall it would not be proceeding with redevelopment of the property. The decision was part of a plan to address the provincial deficit and allow the government to table a budget with a surplus for the first time in a decade.

An interdepartmental steering committee has been established to draft and issue the request, develop evaluation criteria and evaluate submissions.

“While the goal is to determine the best possible option for the Centennial Building, we will have to consider all possibilities before we would move forward with any potential sale,” said Oliver.

The request will aim to ensure that any potential development aligns with the City’s development standards. The steering committee will also consider the following criteria:

  • Highest bid and best use of property
  • No inclusion of public money or risk to provincial taxpayers
  • New Brunswick content
  • Open and transparent process
  • A requirement to develop the property, not leave “as is”

The request for proposals also addresses the artwork in the Centennial Building. This includes a plan for the province to retain ownership to ensure its accessibility to the public.

The request for proposals will be issued today and will close on June 28.