MONCTON (GNB) – The artwork and promotional poster for the 32nd edition of Provincial French Pride Week, which takes place March 15 to 19, were unveiled today. The slogan is De chez nous à chez vous, la francophonie se célèbre partout! (From our home to yours, the Francophonie is celebrated everywhere!)

“Once again this year, students of the francophone schools and kids at child-care facilities had the opportunity to express their creativity and their talent in an activity that brought together young people and allowed them to show their pride and attachment to the French language and their culture,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy. “I sincerely thank teachers who, despite the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic, have generously invested their time to make this creative assignment a reality. This is at the very heart of the objectives of the 10-year education plan, to promote the full development and the educational success of our students.”

The artwork was produced by Grade 5 students in Charles Sirois’ class at École Champlain in Moncton, in collaboration with art teacher Josette Martin.

The artwork is meant to illustrate the fact that there are francophone communities in each province and territory of Canada, while evoking an atmosphere of celebration with fireworks and balloons. The various flags of the Canadian Francophonie as well as flags of some of the other francophone countries are represented on the balloons. The figures symbolize the fact that the Francophonie is a connection shared between New Brunswickers and different other cultures, from generation to generation.

Each spring, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development launches a contest in francophone schools to select a slogan and artwork for Provincial French Pride Week the following year.

Most of this year’s activities will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each school and early learning and child-care facility in the three francophone school districts will celebrate the event in their own way, while strictly following the Public Health measures to ensure the safety of students and staff.