FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has appointed Rino Pelletier as supervisor for the Village of St. Hilaire following the resignation of two council members.

Under the Control of Municipalities Act, the municipality must be placed under the supervision of the province when resignations result in an insufficient number of council members to constitute a quorum. Pelletier’s appointment will be effective until the vacant seats are filled and the council is able to achieve quorum.

“The appointment of a supervisor will ensure that residents of the village continue to receive services until the May 4 by-elections are held and a new council can be sworn-in,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny. “Mr. Pelletier has a wealth of experience in working with communities and I wish him well in fulfilling this role.”

A manager, negotiator and mediator, Pelletier has more than 36 years of experience in economic development in the province’s northwest. He will oversee the day-to-day operations of the municipality and, along with the Department of Environment and Local Government, will work with the community in preparation for the next by-election.

“I thank the former council members for their contribution and service to their community,” said Kenny.