FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswick was successful in achieving new national air quality objectives according to the 2012 and 2013 Air Quality Monitoring Results report which was released today.

“Good air quality makes New Brunswick a better place to raise a family,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny. “Our government remains committed to monitoring air quality throughout the province and to reporting our findings to the public.”

Report highlights include:

  • New Brunswick has implemented a new air quality management framework that was approved by the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment in 2012.
  • The 2015 Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standard targets have been achieved province-wide.
  • There were no exceedances of provincial objectives for nitrogen dioxide or carbon monoxide at any of the provincial monitoring sites.
  • Acid rain levels remain very low, following a sharp decline in recent years.

The provincial government monitors air quality through 16 permanent ambient air monitoring stations, 11 acid rain stations and one mobile station. During this reporting period, industry monitored an additional 30 stations. The key pollutants monitored include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide, ground level ozone, particulate matter, total reduced sulphur (TRS), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

The report and detailed results are available on the Department of Environment and Local Government website.