FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny in relation to the municipal elections held Monday, May 9:

As minister responsible for local governance in the province, I congratulate the winning candidates of yesterday’s municipal elections and welcome them into their new and important positions. In addition, I commend those who will now serve on district education councils and with their regional health authority.

Elected officials in all capacities, and at all levels, must work collaboratively to help move New Brunswick forward. We are pleased to welcome the many new officials who were successful yesterday as well as welcome back those candidates who have the mandate to continue to serve.

I acknowledge the hard work and commitment shown by all the candidates who put forth their name for voters to consider.

I also thank Elections New Brunswick for ensuring voters were well informed and well served throughout the election process.

From informing first-time voters of the requirements, to providing voters with disabilities the accommodations necessary and to making it easier for seniors in nursing homes to vote – our province can be proud of the democratic principles that drive municipal elections in New Brunswick.

Most importantly, I thank the New Brunswickers who took the time to exercise their right to vote. Voting is our chance to make a difference and ensures that community leaders are working to honour the wishes and priorities of their residents.

Strong community leaders who engage residents help build vibrant communities. We need strong communities as we look to build a New Brunswick where job creation, fiscal responsibility and helping families are our main priorities.

I look forward to working with these newly elected officials.