FREDERICTON (GNB) – Families are encouraged to do their part to protect the environment during the holiday season by recycling and by making small changes and conscious choices in their waste management practices.

There are many ways to help protect the environment and make a difference, such as:

  • Recycle organics through composting.
  • Recycle beverage containers, printed paper, packaging and cardboard.
  • Recycle tires, paint, oil and glycol.
  • Recycle old cellphones and wireless devices if a new one is under the tree.
  • Recycle old batteries and buy rechargeable batteries for toys and other gifts.

Since 2015, New Brunswickers have been helping to keep household batteries out of landfills. Thanks to a provincial government partnership with Call2Recycle and the Canadian Battery Association, single-use and rechargeable household batteries are accepted at nearly 200 drop-off locations around the province. A complete list of locations is available online.

There are many ways to reduce waste during the holiday season and throughout the year. Visit the Recycle NB website to learn more about collection events, programs and initiatives in your region.