FREDERICTON (GNB) – A new cabinet committee on climate change has been created to oversee implementation of the government’s climate change action plan, Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy. Premier Brian Gallant will chair the committee while Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle will be its vice-chair.

“Your government is listening and we understand that growing the economy is a priority for New Brunswickers, and we want to create jobs and support sustainable economic growth, all the while making New Brunswick the best place to raise a family,” said Rousselle. “Our new climate change action plan recognizes the government’s critical role in providing leadership and modelling the behaviour and actions that are necessary to address both the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change, and this committee will ensure that we are getting things done.”

In the coming months, the committee will look at different models in order to develop the best option for a carbon pricing initiative.

“The prime minster has been clear that a carbon tax of $10 per tonne will be imposed in provinces that have not adopted a form of carbon pricing by 2018, and we have said all along that our made-in-New Brunswick solution will respect the province’s regional economy while contributing to Canada’s national emission targets,” said Rousselle. “The effects of climate change in our country and our province are already evident, and it has become increasingly clear that the cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action, particularly early action.”

The members of the cabinet committee on climate change are:

  • Premier Brian Gallant, chair
  • Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle, vice-chairperson
  • Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault
  • Health Minister Victor Boudreau
  • Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet
  • Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Lisa Harris
  • Treasury Board President Roger Melanson
  • Finance Minister Cathy Rogers