MONCTON (GNB) - The provincial government has amended an existing designation under the Watershed Protected Area Designation Order – Clean Water Act, to reflect the addition of the Tower Road Reservoir and a new water intake within the Turtle Creek Watershed. The amended designation is effective today.

“This is great news for New Brunswickers living in the Moncton area,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle. “This additional reservoir will help meet the rising and future demands on the existing public water supply system and provide families with clean and reliable drinking water. Our government takes its responsibility to protect water sources and the environment seriously, and today’s designation is an example of how we are getting things done.”

In 2014, the City of Moncton commissioned the development and construction of a second reservoir within the Protected Turtle Creek Watershed known as the Tower Road Dam Reservoir. As a result, the boundaries of the protected area needed to be adjusted to ensure the continued supply and protection of this important water source.

“New Brunswickers enjoy good water quality, and they do so because our water sources are protected under a framework of legislation and programs including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Environment Act, the Environmental Impact Assessment program, the Wellfield Protection program and the Watershed Protection program,” said Rousselle. “We are also looking forward to releasing our provincial water strategy later this year, which will drive a collaborative approach to preserving the quality and integrity of New Brunswick’s water.”

“We are happy to see the Tower Road Reservoir added to the designation order,” said Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold. “We take great pride in the quality of our water and have worked hard to ensure that its supply meets the needs of our growing community. The reservoir is a critical piece of infrastructure and we value the partnership we have had with the Province of New Brunswick in making this happen.”

Information about water protection is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.