FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has released for public comment its proposed made-in-New Brunswick plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from large emitters.

Holding Large Emitters Accountable: New Brunswick’s Output-Based Pricing System will regulate industrial and electricity generation sectors. The public review and comment period runs from June 13 to July 12. Comments on the proposal can be sent to [email protected]

“With this plan, we can continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while keeping New Brunswick’s economic competitiveness and ensuring job stability,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr. “It also minimizes impacts on electricity rates for New Brunswickers.”

The federal government announced last fall that the province would be subject to the federal backstop carbon pricing system for large emitters. The provincial government had announced it would develop its own regulatory approach for large emitters as an alternative to the federal system.

“This is really about fairness,” said Carr. “Other provinces have reached agreements with Ottawa that are less stringent than what we face under the federal backstop. It is difficult for our province to be competitive and sustainable if we are paying more than our neighbours.”

New Brunswick has already reduced its carbon emissions by 28 per cent since 2005 and is on track to meeting its share of the national target of 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Large industrial emitters will be required to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 10 per cent by 2030. Carr said these standards fall within the range of what the federal government has approved for other jurisdictions.

Electricity generators will be required to meet performance standards that have been designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while minimizing rate impacts.

“Our made-in-New Brunswick regulatory approach is fair and it will achieve results,” said Carr. “We feel that it meets all the federal government’s rules and we will continue to engage with the federal government to ensure that this approach will be accepted.”

The New Brunswick output-based pricing system will cover roughly 50 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in the province. It is one of several actions that will be needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The additional actions are outlined in the province’s Climate Change Action Plan.

“We endorsed the New Brunswick Climate Change Action Plan last fall,” said Carr. “Our own output-based pricing system combined with the actions in the climate change plan allow for a smoother transition and enable us to grow our economy while lowering carbon emissions.”