FREDERICTON (CNB) – A new co-chair representing community non-profit organizations has been appointed to the New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation. Social Development Minister Sue Stultz made the announcement today.

Brian Duplessis of Fredericton assumes the position effective immediately. He replaces Léo-Paul Pinet, who was named president of the corporation in August.

"We are delighted to welcome Brian Duplessis as co-chair of the corporation," said Stultz. "His wealth of knowledge and experience in the non-profit sector will be beneficial as we move forward to deliver on the commitments in the province's poverty reduction strategy, Overcoming Poverty Together: The New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Plan."

Duplessis is executive director of the United Way / Centraide of Central New Brunswick and was recently appointed to the United Way of Canada's President's Advisory Council.

He is a former executive director of the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, which operates a 40-bed men's shelter and a nine-bed women's shelter. Duplessis was also involved in the development of New Brunswick's Housing Strategy and the framework to end homelessness in the province.

A vacancy on the corporation’s board of directors has also been filled. Lucie Robichaud of Baie du Petit-Pokemouche has been named to the board, effective immediately.

"Both Brian Duplessis and Lucie Robichaud are excellent additions to the corporation," said Pinet. "A great deal of good work has been accomplished so far in helping lift people out of poverty. Much more still needs to be done, and these two people will be a great help in implementing our unique approach to addressing poverty in New Brunswick."

The corporation consists of a 22-member board of directors representing government, business, community non-profit organizations and persons who have experienced poverty. It oversees and co-ordinates implementation of Overcoming Poverty Together: The New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Plan.


●    Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation: