FREDERICTON (CNB) - Premier David Alward and Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter met today to discuss the opportunities for New Brunswick related to the energy agreement announced on Nov. 18 between Nalcor Energy and Emera Inc.

Alward made the following statement:
The New Brunswick government is very supportive of the energy agreement announced yesterday on the development of Lower Churchill. It is positive for New Brunswick, and is a terrific vehicle for increased regional collaboration and mutually beneficial co-operation.

Because of its strategic location, New Brunswick has a key role to play as this project develops in terms of the increased transmission and export of electricity. Premier Dexter and I discussed the opportunities for the transmission of electricity through New Brunswick and we are both looking forward to further exploring the possibilities as this project develops.

New Brunswick, and indeed the entire region, will also benefit from the new source of clean renewable energy which will flow through Atlantic Canada when this project is developed. This announcement is very positive in terms of lowering green house gas emissions and promoting increased renewable energy in Atlantic Canada.

I look forward very much to what the future will bring as a result of the agreement announced yesterday and look forward to further discussions with my colleagues in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Dexter made the following statement:

I am pleased to have had the opportunity today to meet with Premier Alward to discuss opportunities for regional energy co-operation, including building on the agreement that Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador just signed to develop hydro-electricity out of Lower Churchill.
Our government believes that a co-ordinated approach to energy in the Atlantic region is the preferred option for improving transmission within our province, between Nova Scotia and other Atlantic jurisdictions, and into the U.S. market. That is why Nova Scotia is committed to working with the other Atlantic provinces, including New Brunswick, to pursue opportunities for energy efficiency and a more renewable future.