FREDERICTON (CNB) - Two meetings will be held later this month so that various interest groups may suggest what should be contained in the upcoming provincial budget. Finance Minister Victor Boudreau made the announcement today.

Representatives of the business community, unions, anti-poverty groups, seniors and municipalities, among other groups, will attend the pre-budget forums. One will be held in Bathurst on Monday, Feb. 16, and the other in Fredericton on Friday, Feb. 20. The budget will be brought down Tuesday, March 17.

"It is imperative that we work with those who have a stake in our economy to determine the best course of action," said Boudreau. "The feedback and suggestions of those who are invested in the future of the province should prove invaluable, particularly in a time of global economic uncertainty."

Topics to be discussed include:

  • where the government should place its priorities in the budget; and
  • how the goverment could generate more revenue if it chose to increase spending.

The decision to convene these meetings was partially inspired by a tour last summer by a legislature committee seeking public comment on tax reform.

"The feedback gathered on tax reform at that time was extremely beneficial," said Boudreau. "We believe that holding these meetings about our upcoming budget will do the same. If New Brunswick is to come out of this world-wide economic crisis in the best position possible, we must all work together."