FREDERICTON (CNB) – The results from the 2011-12 pre-budget meetings and questionnaire have been posted online, Finance Minister Blaine Higgs announced today.

Higgs held 20 pre-budget meetings in January and February. There were 1,300 participants at the public meetings while 260 representatives of various groups took part in the stakeholder sessions. Discussions were held on the province’s fiscal challenges, including a projected $820 million deficit this year and a debt of $9.6 billion.

In addition to the meetings, a pre-budget questionnaire was completed by nearly 3,000 New Brunswickers, an unprecedented level of participation.

"New Brunswickers realize that we are facing unparalleled fiscal challenges," Higgs said. "I thank everyone for taking the time to meet with me and for participating in the online questionnaire. The feedback we collected will be invaluable for our government as we prepare the 2011-12 budget."

The provincial budget will be tabled at the legislative assembly at 3 p.m., March 22.

It should be noted that information contained in the summary of the public meetings is not necessarily accepted as fact or supported as policy by the provincial government and is solely the opinions of the participants.


●    Pre-budget meetings and questionnaire summaries: