FREDERICTON (CNB) – The Department of Finance has launched a website that will allow taxpayers to communicate more directly and regularly with the provincial government.

"Citizen engagement, and specifically creating this website, were commitments in the document Putting New Brunswick First,” said Finance Minster Blaine Higgs. “This Taxpayers FIRST website contains information on the fiscal challenges facing the province. The site will educate the public and provide them with a direct channel to suggest ideas on how to address these challenges."

The website includes the locations and dates for the 2012-13 Pre-Budget Consultation.

"Returning to balanced budgets is a multi-year process and requires the support of New Brunswickers through their ideas and comments,” said Higgs. “Their feedback will help us as we prepare the next budget and implement our government renewal program."

The website features a summary of the 2011-12 Pre-Budget Consultations, including common themes and examples of actions and ongoing initiatives. Over time, the government will expand the content of the site.
"We want to show those who have already provided input that the government is listening and acting on their suggestions in a timely and meaningful way," said Higgs.


●    Taxpayers FIRST: