FREDERICTON (GNB) – A tentative collective agreement has been reached with health-care workers represented by Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1252.

“We are pleased to have reached a tentative agreement with CUPE Local 1252,” said Treasury Board President Roger Melanson. “Both parties worked hard to achieve this, and I recognize those efforts. Since October 2014, the provincial government has reached collective agreements with 24 bargaining groups, and we are proud of that milestone. Our government is committed to creating jobs, growing the economy and improving the lives of New Brunswick families, and reaching such agreements is one way we are doing just that.”

The union’s membership includes more than 9,300 people working at regional health authorities and Ambulance New Brunswick, including licensed practical nurses, patient care attendants, tradespersons, paramedics, food service workers, environmental services workers and administrative support employees.

The parties have agreed to withhold details of the agreement pending the results of a ratification vote.