SAINT JOHN (CNB) - Representatives of the governments of Canada and New Brunswick met today in Saint John to announce their commitment to various initiatives with the primary goal of supporting French-language education.

Beauport-Limoilou MP Sylvie Boucher, parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and for the Status of Women, announced more than $1.7 million in funding for the Government of New Brunswick. The announcement was made on behalf of Minister of Canadian Heritage Josée Verner, who is also minister of Status of Women and Official Languages, and minister for La Francophonie.

"I am pleased with the co-operation announced today between the governments of Canada and New Brunswick," said Premier Shawn Graham. "This co-operation will make it possible to strengthen our ability to provide high-quality French-language educational services, and will promote improved learning outcomes. The Government of New Brunswick attaches great importance to the development and vitality of its francophone and Acadian communities, which are central to our self-sufficiency objectives."

Of the $1.7 million in funding, $1 million will be added to the $10.25 million provided since 2005-06 for expansion of the Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne in Fredericton and the Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain in Saint John. Of this amount, $4,615,300 will be dedicated to the Saint John centre.

"Our government is committed to ensuring the success of young people and all members of New Brunswick's francophone and Acadian communities," Boucher said. "The ongoing co-operation between the governments of Canada and New Brunswick is evidence of our commitment to facilitating the development of this community and promoting linguistic duality.

"Through this announcement, we are reaffirming our government's commitment to these communities. We must give them the means to flourish and achieve their full potential."

$450,000 will go to the École communautaire accréditée project, which is the result of the School at the Heart of the Community pilot project. The funding is in addition to the $1,364,043 provided for the project since it was launched in 2004-05.

Funding of $300,880 will go to the bachelor's degree program in integrated coastal zone management offered at the Shippagan campus of the Université de Moncton. This is in addition to the $315,000 provided in 2005-06.

Further funding is being provided to New Brunswick for implementation of two nationwide projects: the Consortium national de développement de ressources pédagogiques en français au collégial, and the Trousse du passeur culturel. New Brunswick will take responsibility for these projects on behalf of participating provinces and territories.

The Consortium national de développement de ressources pédagogiques en français au collégial will receive $500,000. This is in addition to $415,000 provided since 2005-06. The project seeks to promote the sharing of French-language educational resources within francophone teaching institutions throughout Canada.

The Trousse du passeur culturel project will receive $201,543. The aim of the project is to design, produce, and distribute an information kit for principals of Canada's French-language schools to enhance the schools' cultural environment.

All of these projects are being funded in partnership with the Government of New Brunswick.

For more information on intergovernmental co-operation on minority-language education and second-language teaching, visit the Department of Canadian Heritage website.