FREDERICTON (CNB) - The Government of New Brunswick is contributing $100,000 to relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Premier Shawn Graham made the announcement in the legislature today.

"The people of Haiti are suffering and are in desperate need of aid," said Graham. "The government of New Brunswick will be donating $100,000 to the Canadian Red Cross in support of relief efforts.

"New Brunswick and Haiti have a special connection because of our strong Haitian community and our shared bond through La Francophonie internationale. As a result of this close relationship, many New Brunswickers have travelled and worked in Haiti and many were in Haiti offering their help and expertise at the time of this disaster." said Graham. "In addition to our donation and pledge of support, we offer our thoughts and prayers to New Brunswickers whose loved ones may have been affected."

In addition to the government donation, Alcool NB Liquor will raise a minimum of $25,000 by soliciting donations from customers; setting up coin boxes; and internal fundraising. Service New Brunswick offices will also set up collection boxes. All monies raised will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross.

"I have been to Haiti several times, in the context of the Acadie-Haiti development project."said Wellness, Culture and Sport Minister Hédard Albert, who is also minister responsible for La Francophonie. "While the country has faced severe challenges in the past, the proportions of this crisis are unprecedented. We will continue to explore how New Brunswick can support the longer-term reconstruction efforts through our participation in la francophonie and in collaboration with our federal colleagues."

Louise Castonguay, regional director of the New Brunswick region of the Canadian Red Cross Society, commended the swift and generous response by the Government of New Brunswick.

"As one of the first provinces in the country to pledge support, New Brunswick's important contribution will help thousands of Haitians access immediate and essential, life-saving services," said Castonguay.

New Brunswickers wishing to make a financial donation may visit any Alcool NB Liquor store or Service New Brunswick office. Individuals may also contact a variety of Canadian organizations assisting in the relief efforts, such as the Canadian Red Cross, 1-800-418-1111, Unicef Canada, 1-800-567-4483, Care Canada, 1-800-464-9154, or Médecins sans Frontières, 1-800-982-7903.