EDMUNDSTON (CNB) – A web portal on regional, national, and international current events related to sustainable development was launched today at the Edmundston campus of the Université de Moncton.

Health Minister Madeleine Dubé, faculty of forestry dean Jean-Marie Binot, and Louis-Noël Jail, a representative of the Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie (energy and environment institute of the Francophonie), participated.

The portal contains information about various topics selected by Médiaterre, including biodiversity, energy, climate, corporate social responsibility, education, youth, law, and governance. Médiaterre is an international network with 22 partner organizations and more than 6,000 registered members and is under the direction of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (international organization of the Francophonie).

"Médiaterre's new Canada-New Brunswick portal has been made possible through our participation in the Francophonie," said Dubé. "This tool will give New Brunswick exceptional international visibility and will enable us to circulate information in French about sustainable development. It provides the francophones and Acadians of New Brunswick, and around the world, with their own platform in the field of sustainable development."

Dubé was speaking on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud, who is also minister responsible for the Francophonie.

The portal is housed by the faculty of forestry at the Université de Moncton, which has formed a committee to manage and facilitate it.

"The faculty of forestry is proud to be involved in this project designed to inform francophones around the world of New Brunswick's achievements in the field of sustainable development," Binot said. "It is also an excellent opportunity to make our students aware of the challenges we are facing as a society concerned about its environment."

The portal has been online since November 2010 through a co-operation agreement between the faculty of forestry at the Université de Moncton and the Institut de l'énergie et de l'environnement de la Francophonie, a subordinate body of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie based in Quebec City.

New Brunswick has been a member of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie since 1977.


●    Médiaterre Canada-New Brunswick portal (French only): www.mediaterre.org/canada-nouveau-brunswick