FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government has signed an agreement to help develop an energy efficient wood frame structure industry in Hebei Province in China.

"As we build strategic partnerships between companies and governments, this memorandum of understanding is an encouraging sign for our value-added wood industry," said Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud. "This signing also represents new opportunities in China for New Brunswick companies in the building and construction sector."

Robichaud signed the memorandum with officials from the Hebei Province during a trade mission to China. He is leading six New Brunswick companies to Beijing and Shijiazhuang, capital city of the Province of Hebei. The visit concludes Nov. 6.

The agreement between the Hebei Government Construction Department and Business New Brunswick will see the provinces co-operate on the development of a mutually beneficial industry cluster. The focus is on the energy efficient wood frame structure building industry; to co-operate on the establishment of a "Hebei Wood Frame Structure Building Code"; to promote a joint partnership on an energy saving wood frame demonstration project in Hebei; and to promote dialogue between companies in the building industry from both regions.

"The establishment of a building code in Hebei Province based on New Brunswick's building standards will also result in increased opportunities and another step in facilitating access to the China market," said Robichaud.