FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Blaine Higgs is travelling to Saskatchewan to take part in a pro-pipeline rally near the town of Moosomin on Saturday.

“As political leaders, it is our job to stand up for the livelihoods of the people we represent,” said Higgs. “In New Brunswick, that means continuing to fight for the Energy East pipeline and the economic benefits it represents. This is about improving our economy, putting Canadians to work and protecting our access to oil, now and in the future.”

Higgs will be speaking at the event, as will Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, Sen. Denise Batters and federal official Opposition leader Andrew Scheer.

Energy East was a proposed large-scale pipeline project that would have brought western Canadian oil to Saint John for export. It would have also involved investment in a new marine shipping terminal and oil storage facility. The project was cancelled last fall.

There had been plans for a 1.05-million-barrel tank farm at the Moosomin Compressor Station and a feeder pipeline to Cromer, Man.

The rally will focus on the energy industry and on the challenges faced by other local resource industries, such as potash and agriculture, due to the amount of oil being transported by rail rather than by pipelines.