FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Blaine Higgs issued the following statement in reaction to today's decision by the Saskatchewan Court of appeal regarding the federal carbon tax:

We are disappointed by today's decision of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal regarding the constitutionality of the federal carbon tax.

Today’s decision is but one step in our battle against this unfair tax. The court’s conclusions will almost certainly find their way to the Supreme Court of Canada for its opinion, and we will be part of that process.

Our legal efforts do not mean that New Brunswick will stop its efforts on important climate change initiatives. New Brunswick remains committed to doing its part to reduce carbon emissions.

Since 2005, New Brunswick has reduced its carbon output by 28 per cent, mostly due to closures of coal and oil-fired power plants, restructuring in the forestry sector, incorporation of wind energy and investments in energy efficiency. The province is on track to lower its emissions by 30 per cent before 2030.

Our plan has shown real and measurable results and we intend to do even more to reduce our carbon footprint.  The unfair federal tax does not, and will not, work within the strategies developed in New Brunswick to address one of the most pressing issues of our times.

Regarding our next legal steps, we will be consulting with the Attorney General to determine the most effective means to continue our opposition. We will take the necessary time to review the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal’s findings and to evaluate the options available to us to ensure New Brunswick’s interests are put first.