FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs on the passing of Robert Pichette, designer of the New Brunswick flag:

Marcia and I join New Brunswickers from every corner of the province to express our sadness at the passing of Robert Pichette. Mr. Pichette was an important part of New Brunswick history and will be missed by all who knew and worked with him.

Public servant, historian, author, champion of the French language and Acadian culture, Robert made many contributions to our province and impacted countless lives. He has a long list of notable accomplishments. However, perhaps none so notable or recognizable as the design of our provincial flag. He was also director of cultural affairs for New Brunswick and in this role, he established the New Brunswick government's art bank.

Mr. Pichette was chief of staff and deputy minister in the government of Louis J. Robichaud and a major player in a pivotal period in the history of the province.

He was a radio and television host, as well as journalist, columnist and editorial writer for anglophone and francophone media outlets. He was also a recognized author, mainly on Acadian and New Brunswick history.

Mr. Pichette was awarded the Order of New Brunswick and received numerous awards and honours, including two honorary doctorates. In 2016 he received France's highest civilian recognition when he was appointed as an officer of the Legion of Honour. In 2017 he received the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for High Achievement in French Language Literary Arts.

He was a driving force in New Brunswick and New Brunswick was a driving force for him. Our province is a much better place thanks to his work and his legacy will live on.

On behalf of the provincial government, I offer my sincere condolences to Mr. Pichette’s family and friends.