FREDERICTON (GNB) – A byelection will be held Monday, June 15 in the provincial ridings of Saint Croix and Shediac Bay-Dieppe, Premier Blaine Higgs announced today.

“It is important that we move forward with these byelections in a timely manner to ensure all New Brunswickers are properly represented in the legislative assembly,” Higgs said. “At the same time, municipal elections are already scheduled to take place this spring around the province, and I want to avoid any potential confusion for residents.”

The provincial government has also announced plans to consult with several communities in April and May about gaps in the health-care system, which will culminate in a health-care summit in late June. Higgs said he wants to ensure residents in these regions have the opportunity to fully engage in the consultation process.

The vacancy in Saint Croix was created when the incumbent, Greg Thompson, passed away in September of 2019.

The vacancy in Shediac Bay-Dieppe was created when the incumbent, Brian Gallant, resigned his seat in October of 2019.

Currently, the Progressive Conservatives and the Liberals each hold 20 seats in the legislative assembly, the Greens and the People’s Alliance each hold three seats, one MLA sits as an independent and two seats are vacant.