FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following Canada Day message was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs:

Canada Day has traditionally been a time to celebrate everything that is good about living in our great nation. It is a time for pride and gratitude, as well as a time to reflect on exactly what it means to be a Canadian in today’s world.

Over the past few months, many Canadians have been struggling to balance their pride in being Canadian with the tragic realities of the residential school system and how these events, among others, continue to impact First Nations people today.

The truth is, you can be both a proud Canadian and also recognize injustices that have taken place. The important thing is that we all ask ourselves, how can we do better. We must acknowledge all aspects of our past if we hope to move forward and build a better country for everyone who calls Canada home.

Some communities have made the decision to cancel Canada Day celebrations this year while others have chosen to move forward with plans. In each case, organizers have encouraged people to take time for reflection.

Canada Day this year should be a time to reflect on our past and our present and look to a better future. This is a time to listen to one another, to learn from one another and to begin to heal.

This past year has been a tough one in many ways, but it has also had moments that are worth celebrating. In New Brunswick, we have recently been able to loosen some COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and begin welcoming family and friends from the rest of Canada. To get here, we have had to overcome many challenges and we will carry the lessons learned with us as we move forward on our Path to Green.

As Canada turns 154, I hope you feel both proud and grateful to be a Canadian. Our country is not perfect, but as a nation we have accomplished many great things. I believe that by working together, we can achieve even more.