RICHIBUCTO (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing a combined $6.6 million in a new sports and recreation facility in Richibucto.

“Our government’s investment in this strategic recreational infrastructure project will stimulate the economy and create jobs,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation. “Plus, once the centre is complete, it will enhance the quality of life for families in Richibucto and the region of Kent North.”

“Good recreational infrastructure helps build inclusive communities where families can have fun and spend time together,” said Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard Minister Dominic LeBlanc. “Projects to build new public sports infrastructure like the Kent North Centre not only provide residents with opportunities to stay fit and healthy, they also support economic growth and the creation of good middle-class jobs.”

LeBlanc spoke on behalf of federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

The Kent North Centre will be a multi-functional facility with a skating rink, walking track, double gymnasium and exercise room. Once complete, people of all ages from Richibucto and surrounding areas will benefit from year-round access to diverse recreational offerings in a modern, community-driven space.

“The town council of Richibucto is pleased with this announcement for the economic and social development of the Town of Richibucto and the region,” said Roger Doiron, mayor of Richibucto. “We take this opportunity to thank our elected representatives on the federal and provincial levels, and in particular the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, our member of parliament, and his provincial colleague, Bertrand LeBlanc. This project will garner pride and enthusiasm, and we are certain it will contribute to the economic development of the region.”