GRAND FALLS (GNB) – An investment of $105,000 is being made towards a downtown improvement project in Grand Falls in commemoration of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

“New Brunswickers are proud of who they are and where they come from,” said Victoria-La Vallée MLA Chuck Chiasson. “This investment in the Grand Falls project will enrich the Grand Falls area while celebrating the birth of our nation.”

Chiasson attended for Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The project involves installing benches, new garbage receptacles, a sound system and a pump track.

“The Town of Grand Falls is delighted to collaborate with the Province of New Brunswick as these projects will greatly benefit the Grand Falls downtown region,” said Grand Falls Mayor Marcel Deschênes.

Funding is being provided under the Program for Municipal Development to Commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary. Last January, municipalities with populations of more than 4,000 and less than 25,000 were eligible to apply for funding of up to $150,000 for beautification projects to contribute to a vibrant and attractive downtown and to commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary.