BATHURST (GNB) – A ceremony to mark the official opening of a specialized mining and drilling centre at the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) Bathurst campus was held today.

“If we want to improve the quality of life for New Brunswick families, one of the best investments we can make is in education and training,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Brian Kenny. “New Brunswick is well positioned for growth in the mining industry. It is important that our workforce is prepared to meet the needs of this high-value industry that offers high-wage jobs and contributions to the provincial economy.”

Kenny spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

“I am very pleased to see the results of the Government of Canada’s investment in this new cutting edge program at CCNB’s Bathurst campus,” said Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier, who is parliamentary secretary to the minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. “This program will play a vital role in developing our region’s economy and growing our reputation as a centre of excellence and expertise in mining and drilling, while also attracting students and workers to our region to gain the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the sector.”

Cormier commented for federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains, who is also minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

About $1.5 million was invested by the provincial and federal governments to help the college purchase heavy-equipment simulators, a registered heavy-goods vehicle and a trailer to move the training equipment. The investment also allows for the hiring of experts to ensure program content development, training in simulation and security, site management, as well as maintenance and site preparation costs.

“These simulators are unique in the province and they are a great tool to offer specialized training in the mining and drilling field,” said Liane Roy, CEO of the college. “The potential for this industry in New Brunswick is tremendous and we are really proud to be able to prepare that workforce here at CCNB.”