SAINT JOHN (GNB) – Saint John Transit received 12 new buses today thanks, in part, to federal and provincial funding.

“This is an example of the federal government working in partnership with New Brunswick to support and strengthen communities across the province,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation. “Our government is committed to making possible new transit options and infrastructure that is aligned with our goals of promoting economic activity and creating jobs.”

The federal government contributed almost $3.62 million through the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund for the purchase of the 12 low floor, low emission buses.

“The Government of Canada is working closely with provincial and municipal partners to make strategic infrastructure investments that support middle-class jobs and economic growth,” said Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long. “Helping Canadians get to and from their daily activities quickly and easily is essential to creating strong communities and fostering long-term prosperity. The new buses will provide Saint John residents with improved transit services, get more cars off the road, and make our city more environmentally sustainable.”

Long attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

“Providing accessible, reliable and cost-effective public transportation to our citizens is a priority of council,” said Mayor Don Darling. “The City of Saint John is extremely proud to invest in infrastructure that improves the quality of life of its citizens, including seniors and persons with disabilities. With this new complement, Saint John Transit now boasts an entire fleet that is accessible. This is a significant step in removing barriers for persons with disabilities and advances our continued commitment to ensuring Saint John is an inclusive community.”

“Enhancing the accessibility of our public transit system is of benefit to our entire community,” said Saint John Transit and Parking Commission CEO Ian MacKinnon. “This investment and the arrival of 12 new buses means our entire fleet is now fully accessible, which will certainly promote greater mobility and usage among our clients.”

The Saint John Transit Commission was established in 1979 to provide scheduled transit service to the city. Ridership on the system is about 2.1 million passengers per year.