ALMA (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments have announced more than $389,000 to support research into improved well and water services in Alma.

“The ability to access clean, safe drinking water is critical for our communities,” said Justice Minister Andrea Anderson-Mason, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation. “Our investment brings us one step closer to securing an additional well and improved water system for the residents and businesses of the village of Alma.”

The project consists of a site assessment, preliminary drilling, hydraulic testing and an environmental impact assessment. An additional well would help provide improved water quality and a consistent and reliable water supply, while increasing the capacity to serve a greater population.

“Making sure there is an ample supply of clean water is not only a necessity for residents, but also key to future economic growth in the area,” said Fundy Royal MP Alaina Lockhart. “Alma’s water exploration challenge has helped shape our federal infrastructure program to better serve rural communities across the country. I commend the Village of Alma for their dedication and commitment to working with us to make this happen.”

Lockhart attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister François-Philippe Champagne.

The provincial government is contributing more than $139,000 to the project. The federal government is investing more than $250,000 through the Rural and Northern Infrastructure Communities Stream of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. The village is contributing more than $28,000.

“Alma has been given a new lease on life. Our doors for economic growth have been opened,” said Mayor Kirstin Shortt. “After seven years of working with numerous government officials and representatives, and hours of negotiations, we are now rewarded with the life-saving gift of water. Our gratitude to our current governments, both federal and provincial, is profound.”