FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Social Development Minister Sue Stultz, who is also minister responsible for seniors, housing and community non-profit organizations, in observance of National Social Work Week, March 18-24.

On the occasion of National Social Work Week, I thank all social workers for the important work they do every day on behalf of the people of New Brunswick.

This week offers an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the tremendously important contribution social workers make as they provide services in the fields of child welfare and adult services.

Social work is a demanding yet immensely challenging and rewarding profession. Social workers are active in many different fields, making a difference in the lives of New Brunswickers. They often see the best and worst of society; however, their compassion and willingness to help is always present.

To all social workers across the province, I commend you on the hard work and dedication with which you serve your clients and your profession.