FREDERICTON (GNB) – A new 20-bed homeless shelter for men will open in Saint John.

The shelter will be operated by Outflow, a local organization that delivers up to 800 meals per week to those in need.  

"This new facility will fulfil a need for a safe place for homeless men in Saint John," said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé.  "I want to thank Outflow for their dedication and commitment to the community as well as stepping up to provide this important service."

The shelter will be located at the former Waterloo Street Baptist Church on Waterloo Street.The site is located near Romero House, St Joseph's Hospital and the regional office of Social Development.

"Outflow will provide basic shelter to the most vulnerable men in our community and support them on their journey from the streets to homes," said Outflow board chair Colin McDonald. "This partnership with the province is about ending homelessness for each individual that's walks in the doors of our center. We will provide them with the opportunities and support needed to end the cycle homelessness and return dignity to their lives."

Outflow will begin providing services May 1 from a temporary location as renovations will be done to the Waterloo site. The renovations should be completed in eight weeks, until then the shelter will be located at the former Somerset Community Centre on Somerset Street.

The department held a series of meetings with various community support agencies in an effort to establish a new shelter in the city after the closure of the Salvation Army Centre of Hope.

Regional staff worked closely with community partners and local service providers to relocate 35 residents of the special care home that was part of the former centre.

Thirty-one of the residents were moved to other facilities in the greater Saint John area, one returned home with family, two moved to an adult residential facility in St. Stephen and another moved to an adult residential facility in Moncton.