MONCTON (GNB) – A new government program will help offset some costs for New Brunswickers who adopt children.

“We are committed to helping families in New Brunswick, and this program will help people realize their dream of becoming first-time moms and dads or adding to their existing family,” said Families and Children Minister Stephen Horsman. “It is important that we assist families in the adoption process.”

The one-time grant of $1,000 will be available to those who have adopted a child under the age of 18 in the 12 months prior to their funding application. The adoption must meet the province’s adoption requirements and the adoption order must be issued and/or recognized by the Province of New Brunswick.

As well, the adoptee must be living permanently with the adoptive family in New Brunswick.

“Any effort to support children in becoming part of a forever family is very welcome,” said Courtney Pringle-Carver, member of the New Brunswick Adoption Foundation’s board of directors. “We are pleased to see the provincial government doing more to support adoption, especially as we prepare to launch the provincewide rollout of our New Brunswick Adoption Network in the coming weeks.”

The Department of Social Development is involved with the following types of adoption: children in care of the minister; private adoption within the province; and international adoptions.

The New Brunswick Family Plan framework aims to ensure that families are supported, resulting in a healthier province. It focuses government action in seven priority areas: improving access to primary and acute care; promoting wellness; supporting people with mental health challenges; fostering healthy aging and support for seniors; advancing women’s equality; reducing poverty; and supporting people with disabilities.