SAINT JOHN (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $1.1 million in the development of a plan to improve the conditions of the New Brunswick Museum Collections Centre.

The centre houses many collections owned by the province and managed by the New Brunswick Museum. It is also the site of research, preservation activities, laboratories and a workspace for staff and volunteers.

The centre has been deteriorating due to issues with heating, ventilation, water leaks and overcrowding, among others. Left unaddressed, the continued deterioration could place collections, staff, volunteers and the public at risk.

“The New Brunswick Museum conserves our heritage assets and shares many of them with the world, contributing to how we explain and showcase who we are as New Brunswickers,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Trevor Holder. “Our continued investment in the New Brunswick Museum underscores our pride in our collective heritage and our commitment to ensuring it is preserved for future generations.”

The museum’s board of directors – in consultation with the province – has developed a phased, multi-year plan to refurbish the centre, including construction of an extension and repair of the original building.

The first phase of the plan involves design work costing and the completion of a fundraising feasibility study to identify external sources of financial support to undertake the work required.

“The New Brunswick Museum is very pleased to receive support from the provincial government for the next step of this plan,” said John Irving, chairman of the museum’s board of directors. “Over the past few years, the board has worked with the province to develop a cost-effective plan to address the facility issues. Now it is time to start to implement it to ensure the museum can fully celebrate its 175th birthday in 2017.”