BERTRAND (GNB) – Grade 8 students at École Camille-Vautour in Saint-Antoine will be at the Village Historique Acadien on April 25 and 26 to participate in the filming of a documentary.

The students, under the direction of their community development officer Hélène Hébert, their teacher Nicole Nowlan, and prominent filmmaker Daniel Léger, are producing a documentary on the history of the Village of Saint-Antoine. The project is a recipient of the Fonds d’appui pour le développement de la culture entrepreneuriale (entrepreneurial culture development fund).

The team from the school will spend Saturday morning preparing the costumes, makeup, and hairstyles. Filming will begin in the afternoon and will continue on Sunday morning.

The Village Historique Acadien made its costumes and historical knowledge available to the students, and the village’s buildings will provide an appropriate backdrop for the documentary.