FREDERICTON (GNB) – Structural changes to the New Brunswick Arts Board have been announced today as part of the Strategic Program Review process and the 2016-17 provincial budget.

“This decision will not reduce the amount in grants received by New Brunswick artists and arts organizations,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Bill Fraser. “This will result in a more focused, streamlined approach to ensure that the maximum amount of funding reaches the artists in a cost-effective way while ensuring that the arm’s-length, peer assessment model remains intact.”

The New Brunswick Arts Board has played a critical role in the administration of grants to artists. In light of the Strategic Program Review to find efficiencies and reduce duplication of services and present a more streamlined method of administering grants while upholding the arm’s-length principle through peer assessment, the provincial government has announced a new administration model for the arts board.

“I want to salute the arts board members for their hard work and their dedication,” said Fraser. “I want to reassure them and the numerous arts stakeholders of our commitment toward arts and culture in our province.

“The cultural sector has enormous economic and social value and it can play an important role in moving New Brunswick forward. That is why we need a focused arts board, and we will continue to work with them to create jobs and complement our efforts to make New Brunswick the best place to raise a family.”