FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government will continue to invest in promoting tourism, including a special emphasis on celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary and the development of a renewed, comprehensive tourism strategy. Premier Brian Gallant made the commitment today.

“New Brunswickers have told us that they want our number one focus to be on growing the economy. We have been doing that and by working together we are seeing solid results,” said Gallant. “During many meetings over the summer with community leaders in every corner of our province, they made it clear that tourism was a key area for economic growth.”

Tourism is a major component of the government's economic vision. Three of the key opportunities included in the province's economic growth plan are tourism-related. In  the coming months the government will boost tourism by:

  • focusing on the tourism potential for Canada 150;
  • increasing the promotion of stay-at-home vacations (staycations), and extended vacations for visitors; and
  • investing in infrastructure and improving tourism signage.

In addition, the government will leverage the emerging tourism opportunities, such as those related to local food and beverages, and will increase efforts to develop New Brunswick as an all-season destination.

Further details on these initiatives will be released in the coming weeks. Later in 2017, the government will launch the province’s first new comprehensive tourism strategy since the 1990s.

“We will not sit by and hope that the tourism sector will grow by itself,” said Gallant. “We will roll up our sleeves and work hard with partners to get results and grow jobs in tourism all across New Brunswick.”