FREDERICTON (GNB) – Angela Hallett Joynes has won the Kings Landing Prize for Historical Short Fiction for her submission, Contagion. The prize also comes with an award of $1,000.

Writers from across North America submitted their stories for consideration during the winter. The prize was created to honour the exceptional collections of Canadian short stories published each year. It recognizes the importance of the historical short fiction genre and is meant to encourage the creation of more literary works.

Submissions were reviewed by jury members Koral LaVorgna (historian), Julia Stewart (library director) and Cathy Flynn (fiction author).

Contagion takes place during the 1854 cholera epidemic in Saint John that claimed many lives. The author incorporated real people from New Brunswick’s past, such as prominent doctors, to help bring the story to life for readers.

"It was moving and passionate,” said Flynn. “The emotional impact lingered long after the reading.”

Originally from Peel, in Carleton County, Hallett Joynes attended Dalhousie Medical School and practised family medicine for six years in Shubenacadie, N.S., before moving to Columbia, Tenn. to open a practice in 1995. Due to her own health challenges, Hallett Joynes is no longer able to practise medicine and is now pursuing her childhood dream of being a writer.

“I believe some good comes out of every difficulty, and I wanted to thank the jury members for believing in my story,” said Hallett Joynes. “I worked diligently to research the facts and create characters. You have given me a wonderful boost of confidence to keep writing.”

Tammy Armstrong of Shag Harbour, N.S., received the first honourable mention for her work, Eliza Straw’s Strange Confession. The second honourable mention was given to Jocelyn Thorne of Saint John for her piece, A Chill Wind Blows No Good.