FREDERICTON (CNB) - Nominations for the Order of New Brunswick, the province's highest recognition of excellence and achievement, are now being accepted by the Order of New Brunswick Advisory Committee.

"Since the inception of the Order of New Brunswick in 2000, 58 New Brunswickers have been awarded our province's highest honour," said the chancellor of the order, Lt.-Gov. Herménégilde Chiasson. "These outstanding individuals, from many fields of endeavour and all walks of life, have one thing in common - they have made significant contributions to our province and have made a difference in the lives of the people who live here."

Established in December 2000, the Order of New Brunswick is meant to recognize individuals who have demonstrated excellence and achievement and who have made outstanding contributions to the social, cultural and economic well-being of New Brunswick and its residents.

Any person or group is welcome to nominate a deserving individual as candidate for appointment to the Order of New Brunswick. Nomination forms and information are available at or by calling (506) 453-2671.

The deadline for receiving nominations is April 29. Recipient names will be announced on New Brunswick Day, with the investiture planned for later in the year at Old Government House in Fredericton.