FREDERICTON (CNB) – New Brunswickers are invited to attend the Lt.-Gov.’s New Year’s Levee on Saturday, Jan. 1, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

“It is the traditional way to welcome the New Year,” said Lt.-Gov. Graydon Nicholas. “And this Saturday, I hope many New Brunswickers will join me at Government House in Fredericton.”

The New Year’s Day Levee is a centuries-old event meant to “rise up” to greet the new year.

“I expect thousands of people of all ages, cultures and regions, to join my wife Beth and me to welcome 2011,” said Nicholas. “We will feature music, refreshments, even a cup of warm seafood chowder, to help greet the first day of the New Year.”

This will be Nicholas’s second time to host the levee as New Brunswick’s 30th lieutenant-governor. Guests are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item for the local food bank, as such donations traditionally drop off after the holidays.