FREDERICTON (GNB) – An amendment creating a new region in the Bay of Fundy under the Inshore Fisheries Representation Act will come into effect Aug. 1.

“The fishing industry is vitally important to the economy of New Brunswick, providing employment and supporting families,” said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet. “This change will give fishermen in the Bay of Fundy additional opportunities to contribute to the progress and development of a sustainable, responsible and economically vibrant fish and seafood industry in the province.”

The new Region 4 will consist of Lobster Fishing Area 36, from St. Martins to the United States border and Campobello and Deer Islands. The area in Lobster Fishing Area 38 – Grand Manan will remain in Region 3. These two different regions reflect the management areas of the fishery and the communities of interest around those different fishing zones.

The act empowers the minister to recognize a fishermen’s organization within the boundaries of a region.

“We are very pleased our government has been able to amend the Inshore Fisheries Representation Act to allow recognition of a fishermen’s organization in Lobster Fishing Area 36,” said Maria Recchia of the Fundy North Fishermen’s Association. “The act provides a tool to help fishermen build on their already strong representative organizations. Our next step will be to consult with our membership on how we should proceed.”

A recognized association can collect annual membership dues from all the licence holders in the region. This provides funding for the association to more effectively represent the interests of the fishermen in that area for such initiatives as research and marketing.

The other two regions under the act are Region 1, which follows the northeast coastline from the Quebec border to Bartibog Bridge, and Region 2, which follows the southeast coastline from Bartibog Bridge to the Nova Scotia border.