SAINT ANDREWS (GNB) – The provincial government will fund drainage and widening work on Route 127 in St. Andrews this year as part of the Municipal Designated Highway Program.

“Modern infrastructure is key to the sustainability and growth of any community,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “We know that municipalities like Saint Andrews want strong partnerships with the provincial government to grow and develop. We are listening to our municipal partners and we are getting things done.”

A tender will be issued this spring for the work, which will take place on 500 metres along Route 127, also known as Mowat Drive, from Crestwood Lane to the town limits. The project will help control water flow and prevent erosion and property damage.

“When you invest in communities, you invest in people,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “Saint Andrews is a beautiful community that benefits from infrastructure projects like this to help it continue to grow its reputation as a tourist destination.”

The province received more than $210-million in funding requests through the Municipal Designated Highway Program in 2016. Fraser said the demand demonstrates how essential the funding is to communities across the province.

 “Infrastructure upgrades are essential to continue growth in the community,” said Saint Andrews Mayor Doug Naish. “The support of the provincial government helps us complete projects that will build on our strengths.”

Funding for the Municipal Designated Highway Program has more than doubled since the 2014-15 fiscal year, rising to $25 million in 2015. It has remained at that level as part of a government commitment to sustain funding for municipalities.