DENNIS-WESTON (GNB) – An investment of $700,000 will help extend St. Stephen’s water and wastewater services to residents of the local service district of Dennis-Weston.

“Our government is ensuring timely investments in infrastructure projects which provide essential services to New Brunswickers,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “Our government is committed to supporting our communities and helping them grow and achieve their key priorities.”

Ames spoke on behalf of Environment and Local Government Minister Andrew Harvey.

The investment comes from the federal Gas Tax Fund. The project involves extending services along Happy Valley Road and across the highway to a new commercial development.

“Investing in infrastructure projects like this water and wastewater extension in St. Stephen is vital to safeguarding our environment and establishing cleaner, more sustainable communities,” said New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig. “The Government of Canada is proud to have helped make this project a reality, increasing local service capacity and promoting a greener way of life for local residents.”

Ludwig commented for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister François-Philippe Champagne.

“The project will not only help residents connect to safe municipal water and wastewater systems, but will also provide the foundational infrastructure for the planned development of a new hotel and retail centre,” said Ames. “We are pleased to have worked together with the federal government, the developers and the community to help our region access safe water infrastructure, all while supporting economic growth and creating more local jobs.”

The annual, $2-billion, federal Gas Tax Fund provides predictable, long-term funding to help Canadian municipalities build and revitalize their local infrastructure while creating jobs and long-term prosperity. Projects are chosen locally and prioritized according to the infrastructure needs of each community.