FREDERICTON (GNB) – A group of New Brunswick firefighters that left on July 10 to help fight wildfires in British Columbia has now returned.

The crew arrived early this morning on separate flights.

“All New Brunswickers can be extremely proud of the work our firefighters have done and continue to do to help fellow Canadians in this time of need,” said Energy and Resource Development Minister Rick Doucet. “They have stepped up to help when it was needed most, lending their skills and know-how.”

A second group of firefighters sent to British Columbia last week remains there.

New Brunswick is a member of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, which helps co-ordinate mutual aid among provinces and often co-ordinates the sharing of resources with the United States and other countries. The organization mandates mobilizations of out-of-province firefighters for up to two weeks at a time.

Last year, New Brunswick sent 77 firefighters to provide assistance in Alberta and Nova Scotia.