FREDERICTON (CNB) - Legislation to make information on all new fees and fee increases more readily available to the public was introduced today by Finance Minister Victor Boudreau.

The Fees Act requires that all new fees and fee increases be made public at least 60 days prior to their effective date. As well, every year on or before Jan. 31 the minister of finance will file an annual report on fees with the clerk of the Legislative Assembly. The objective is to provide members of the Legislative Assembly with sufficient information to facilitate meaningful public debate of new or increased fees during the estimates process.

"Our Charter for Change election platform included a commitment to introduce legislation to require any increases in government fees to be debated and passed by the Legislative Assembly," Boudreau said. "The other element was to give suitable public notice of fee changes. This legislation fulfils our commitment, and will help address the concerns of various stakeholder groups who expressed dissatisfaction in the past with sudden fee increases."

The annual document will contain detailed information regarding all new fees and fee increases planned by government for the upcoming fiscal year. It will include information such as the department responsible for the fee, the legal authority to charge it, the current fee amount, the new fee amount, the effective date of the change, and departmental contact information.

On those rare occasions when a department introduces or increases fees at any other time during the fiscal year, a separate document, containing the same type of information, must be filed with the clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Such changes will also require a minimum 60-day notice to the public.

"We are firmly committed to establishing a fair, effective and transparent process to govern all fees charged by departments," Boudreau said. "We want New Brunswickers and members of the Legislative Assembly to have every opportunity to question fundamental information about the services paid for by taxpayers."