SAINT-FRANÇOIS-DE-MADAWASKA (CNB) – The provincial and federal governments announced today investments of more than $40,000 to help l'Atelier des Copains with infrastructure improvements as well as modifications to a new recyclables collection vehicle.

The funding was announced today by Madawaska-les-Lacs MLA Yvon Bonenfant and Senator Percy Mockler. They were joined by representatives from the Commission de gestion enviro ressource du Nord-Ouest (COGERNO) and Enterprise Madawaska.

"We are very pleased to support this important community project," said Bonenfant. "L'Atelier des Copains provides useful services while providing good jobs to people with special needs."

Bonefant was speaking on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud.

"Our government's investment will assist l'Atelier des Copains to improve its recycling collections operation and, in the process, enhance the quality of the service it provides its client base and support the role it plays in providing training and employment to disadvantaged area residents," said Mockler.

Mocker was speaking on behalf of National Revenue Minister Keith Ashfield, who is also minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and minister for the Atlantic Gateway.

The federal and provincial investments support the installation of a hydraulic box on a new collection vehicle that l'Atelier des Copains has acquired to improve its service to businesses and industries in the Madawaska region.

"We thank the governments of Canada and New Brunswick for their financial support as well as COGERNO for its continued partnership," said Pierrette Bouchard, chair of the board of directors of L'Atelier des Copains. "Thanks to this funding, we will be able to continue to provide quality collection services for recyclable materials, in addition to pursuing our mission to promote the autonomy, integration, inclusion and valourization of people through work, social, recreational and cultural activities, and their participation in the recycling project."

The federal government,  through ACOA's Innovative Communities Fund, is contributing $21,917 toward the eligible costs of the project, while the Regional Development Corporation is providing $20,000. COGERNO is providing $20,000, and l'Atelier des Copains, $9,158, to the project valued at $71,075.